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3 Reasons why Businesses Should Embrace Sustainability

Since the onset of the industrial revolution in the 19th Century, our environment has without a doubt taken a turn for the worse. From the increase in severe weather phenomena to higher wildlife extinction rates and rising sea levels. Is it now time for businesses to re-think their attitude toward sustainable practices? 


Water Security – A Closer Look at Singapore’s Challenges Amidst a Global Water Shortage

Rapid population growth, industrial development and urbanization come to mind when thinking about the key drivers behind Asia’s water crisis. The growing demand for water in the region which accounts for approximately 65% of the global water supply has left countries struggling to secure supply pipelines to freshwater.

Image by K. Mitch Hodge

3 Important Sustainability Trends The Water Industry Should Look Out For

It comes with no surprise that water scarcity, changing demographics and operational efficiency are top issues for the global water sector. As if it’s not bad enough, these potential challenges are amplified by the unpredictable impact of climate change.

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